لعبه ماين كرافت Minecraft v8.0 apk للاندرويد


لعبه ماين كرافت Minecraft v8.0 apk

لعبه ماين كرافت الشهير في اجهزه الكمبيوتر
هي لعبه بناء وتفنن وتشكيل كل ما يخطر ببالك في فضاء لعبه ماين كرافت

تتوافق مع اندرويد 2.3 واعلئ
لمعالج اندرويد : Armv7 فقط

Imagine it, build it. Create worlds on the go with Minecraft - Pocket Edition
The new Minecraft - Pocket Edition allows you to build on the go. Use blocks to create masterpieces as you travel, hangout with friends, sit at the park, the possibilities are endless. Move beyond the limits of your computer and play Minecraft everywhere you go.


Randomized worlds
Build anything you can imagine
Build with 36 different kinds of blocks
Invite and play with friends to your world (local wireless network)
Save multi-player worlds on your own phone
Xperia PLAY optimizedNote: Samsung Galaxy Tab users, please test the demo first! If it doesn't start, you will have to update your Android system software version

What's in this version: 
(Updated : Dec 12, 2013)

Minecarts, rails, and powered rails!
The view distance has been massively increased. Check the options!
New textures, colours and block functionality taken directly from the PC version
New blocks: carpets, more wood types, hay bales, iron bars, and more
New crops and food types: beetroot, carrots, potatoes and pumpkins.
Lots more blocks and items to use in Creative Mode.
New AI and breeding.
A new Creative inventory with tabs.
Improved lighting and fog effects.

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